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Why agile content is the right (only) way to do social media

Show and Tell on Jan 22, 2024

Xs and Os play diagram

You’ll probably see a lot of buzzwords in the marketing blogs you read this year. But no matter how much of this marketing blog you read, just know this: agile content is not a hot, new trend. It’s no buzzword. 

It’s the new standard for social media marketing. And it’s crucial for marketers to tune into, no matter what they do and where they work.   

With ever-changing algorithms and trends, and new platforms created by polarizing multi-zillionaires to navigate, agile content is a saving grace. It helps brands cut through the unpredictability of social media to stand out and stay relevant.  

Not only will an agile approach keep your content up to speed – it can also drive your brand to the front of the race.  

So long, content calendars  

Agile content refers to the approach of creating and delivering responsive, flexible content that can quickly adapt to the ever-changing landscape of social media. It means crafting content that can be easily modified, updated, and repurposed to stay relevant and engaging to your target audience.  

Unlike traditional static content, which is pre-planned and executed without much room for adjustment, an agile strategy allows brands to pivot and adjust their content based on real-time data, audience feedback, and emerging trends. It embraces the idea that social media is a dynamic platform where trends come and go, algorithms change, and audience preferences shift.  

The primary goal of agile content is to create a seamless and interactive experience for your target audience. By monitoring and analyzing the impressions, engagement, and interactions with your content, you can make data-driven decisions to improve your campaigns in real-time.  

FREE DOWNLOAD: How Agile Is Your Social Media Content?

Shifting from a pre-planned social media strategy to an agile approach isn’t that easy.

How agile-ready are you? Find out if your social strategy is leading the pack or falling behind with this checklist.  

The benefits of implementing agile content 

Whether it’s drumming up conversation on a social post, or a timely, zeitgeist-tapping ad campaign, there are many ways to make your content more agile.

Flexibility and responsiveness 

An agile methodology is highly adaptable, allowing for quick adjustments based on audience feedback, market trends, and emerging opportunities. This flexibility ensures that content remains relevant, engaging, and aligned with the audience's current interests and needs.

Efficiency and creativity 

Agile content creation emphasizes efficiency without compromising creativity. It involves strategic planning and the use of best practices in content capture and production to deliver high-quality content swiftly. This approach maximizes resources and fosters creative storytelling that stands out in a crowded digital landscape.

Audience-centric approach 

At its core, agile content is focused on the audience. It involves continuous learning from audience interactions and data, ensuring that the content not only captures attention but also resonates on a deeper level. This audience-centric approach helps in building stronger connections and enhances brand loyalty over time.

Improved brand perception 

Agile content enables brands to be more authentic and relatable by participating in conversations and sharing relevant content. This fosters a stronger connection with the audience – building trust and improving brand perception.

Data-driven decision making 

Agile content allows brands to track and analyze the performance of their content in real-time. This data-driven approach enables brands to make informed decisions, optimize their campaigns, and drive better results.

How to put agile content in motion  

When it comes to implementing agile content strategies for your social media campaigns, there are a few key tactics that can help you stay ahead of the game.  

We help our clients get on track with something we call content pods – specialized teams focused on creating content that aligns with brand values. Paired with stakeholder conversations and social listening tools, our clients are given the arsenal for more nimble, more ‘like’-able content. 

One strategy we follow is to stay on top of emerging trends and topics. By monitoring social media platforms, news outlets, and industry publications, you can identify what's currently capturing the attention of your audience. From there, you can tailor your content to align with these trends and join in on the conversation. 

Another effective strategy is to be responsive and interactive with your audience. This can include actively engaging with comments, messages, and mentions, as well as participating in relevant hashtags and discussions. By being present and responsive, you can build stronger relationships with your audience and foster a sense of community. 

Repurposing and recycling content is also a key strategy for agile content. By repackaging and reimagining your existing content, you can save time and resources while still providing valuable and engaging content to your audience. This can include turning blog posts into infographics, creating video snippets from longer videos, or republishing older content with updated information. 

Finally, it's crucial to regularly analyze and track the performance of your content. By monitoring metrics such as engagement, reach, and conversions, you can identify what's working and what's not. This data-driven approach will allow you to make informed decisions and optimize your content for better results. 

Challenges in implementing agile content  

Implementing agile content in social media marketing comes with its own set of challenges and considerations. While agile content offers numerous benefits, brands must be aware of potential hurdles and take them into account when developing their strategies. 

One major challenge is the need for constant monitoring and analysis. Agile content requires brands to stay on top of emerging trends, audience preferences, and real-time data. This means investing time and resources in regularly tracking and analyzing performance metrics. Without this ongoing monitoring, brands may struggle to adapt their content effectively and miss out on opportunities to engage with their audience. 

Agile content also requires collaboration and coordination across different teams and departments within an organization. This can be challenging, especially for larger companies with multiple stakeholders. Effective communication and streamlined processes are crucial to ensure a smooth implementation of agile content strategies. 

Lastly, brands must be prepared to constantly iterate and evolve content. The nature of agile content means that what works today may not work tomorrow. Brands must be open to experimentation, willing to take risks, and ready to adapt their strategies based on audience feedback and changing trends. 

It gets better – trust us 

The good news: the above set of challenges are really only challenging at the very beginning of your agile content journey. They’re things you and your team will get better at with time.  

But if the cost of entry still seems too high for your team, we know people who are really good at this stuff who can help. 

The future of agile content in social media marketing  

As we look ahead to the future of social media marketing, it's clear that agile content will not only be a dominant approach, but possibly – the only one. With the ever-evolving nature of social media platforms and the constantly changing preferences of audiences, brands must adapt and embrace agility to stay relevant and successful.  

The future of agile content will be heavily influenced by the continued emphasis on authenticity and relatability. Brands will need to focus on building genuine connections with their audience by leveraging user-generated content, participating in conversations, and sharing relatable stories. More than ever before – authenticity will be a key driver of engagement and loyalty. 

An agile approach to your content is a winning strategy. Because – even in marketing – good timing never goes out of style.  

Wondering how you can make your brand more agile? We can help you get there.