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What is Full-Stack marketing?

At Show and Tell, our mastery of the entire marketing stack better equips us to drive business growth, engage with target audiences, and ultimately achieve measurable results in a dynamic and competitive marketplace. Here's how.

Full-Stack Formula

Full stack marketing is The Show and Tell Agency’s comprehensive approach to marketing. One that encompasses expertise in all facets of the marketing spectrum. From strategy and planning to execution and analysis. It starts with understanding consumer behavior, market research and progresses to branding, content creation, social media management, search engine optimization (SEO), email marketing, data analytics, and more. Our full stack marketers are versatile professionals who can adapt to the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing.

Today’s CMO is just as likely to approve a SaaS/IT solution as they are to adapt their strategy to changing market conditions. They operate at the nexus of Marketing, Sales and IT. So does Show and Tell. Our team of marketing generalists and specialists understand the fact that the days of departmental silos are long gone.

A Full-Stack marketing agency doesn’t just focus on branding and brand awareness, it looks at every aspect of marketing, incorporating the best of the multichannel digital and analog worlds with the goal of growing a perpetual, balanced system of technologies.

Built with clear intention.

Technology is the great enabler — and a powerful equalizer, but at Show and Tell, our Full-Stack team starts with captivating storytelling.

Full-Stack Venn Diagram

Data-driven communications

If over 94% of purchase intent is informed, in some way, through the ability to find and consume content on the internet, then as marketers we must craft content that can stop, hold and inspire its audience. Our team is built with great communicators that know how to use data and analytics to uncover what content you need to create and where you need to be present to meet customers and prospects in their moment of intent.

Crafted by generalists and experts

Full-Stack marketers think about how to appear for, capture, nurture and convert those who know you and those who don’t.

Today’s customer journey is a tangled web of analogue and digital experiences. The most common beacon or end point for a prospective customer is your website, and it’s where a great proportion of purchase intent is influenced. Full-Stack marketers know that there can be no dead ends for your users and that great customer experiences are a seamless fusion of what the website visitor needs and what you need.

Equipped to adapt

Today’s tools are delivered over the wire and hosted in the cloud. There are new and better SaaS options developed every day, but our team combines the broad marketing fundamentals that spark ideas with the depth of expertise needed to understand which tools should be pulled together, customized and integrated into your marketing technology stack.

Explained differently, Show and Tell has a solid foundation in marketing on which we can build working strategies and tactics by choosing the right tools and materials. Whether it’s a “custom home” or an “industrial complex”, our team members know how to construct measurable, elegant and effective marketing solutions.

Show and Tell, the sum of the Full-Stack

Whether it’s B2B or B2C, our Full-Stack marketers can take seemingly unrelated tools, tactics and messages and expertly align them into a beautiful, cohesive “stack” of interconnected solutions that drive our customer’s success.

Imagine having a business partner fully vested in your success, a partner that’s equally comfortable talking about the LAMP Stack, Python, Microsoft Azure or Salesforce APIs with your IT department as they are speaking with your VP Sales about setting and tracking KPIs through Databox or Power BI.

What about a partner agency that creates award winning communications that are equally effective on a billboard or an Instagram post? Think about having a team of over 50 highly motivated, passionate marketing professionals that care as much about lowering your cost of acquisition as they do writing great headlines.

Full-stack marketing is where the Show and Tell team’s skills, experience and processes come together with the appropriate tools, all to apply tried and tested approaches to your unique situation.

It means that Show and Tell knows what works — or we can figure out what doesn’t and why

As a real partner in your business, we know that you are accountable for every marketing dollar you spend — and that together, we must be stewards of that money.

We share your ideas when and where they spark change

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