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Making Strategy Magazine’s 2024 Indie List

Feb 4, 2024

indie list

The Show and Tell Agency is featured in this year’s Strategy Magazine’s 2024 Indie List, an annual compilation of independent agencies shaping the future of the Canadian advertising industry.  

Indies need to consistently find innovative ways to make brands stand out, to rise above the commonplace and to fiercely oppose the status quo, the marketing magazine states. Indies push boundaries creatively, logistically, technologically, or through processes that ultimately influence Canadian industry norms. 

We’re proud to be that, and more. 

The feature story covers a lot of the wins Show and Tell has achieved recently, including Crown corporations and post-secondary institutions. The convergence of ideas and technology that staff and leadership brought to current and new clients following our 2021 merger allowed us to immediately prove just how small, mighty and diverse we are. 

It’s the kind momentum we won’t argue with. As Strategy Magazine writes, Show and Tell is off to an ambitious start. “Not that you would expect anything else from this storied Prairies agency.

Check out the story Unleashing the Power of Fusion.