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Meet the Team: Mat Carvalho

May 10, 2024

Mat Carvelho
Your favourite S&T series returns for another feature on our videographer-turned-consultant – Mat Carvalho! In this instalment we’re talking about career shifts, Star Wars, the agency’s All- In Tuesdays. 

How long have you been at Show and Tell? 
A long time – 8 years. 

How many titles have you had at the agency? 
4 in total. Video Editor – TrendSet Team Lead (our O.G. Agile content team) – Content Team Lead – and now Business Development Consultant.  

Why did you do the swap from video and content to sales and consulting? 
I realized my favourite aspect of my video work was meeting the client, getting to know them, and what made them tick. I decided the next level of my career could focus solely on clients and building their business. 
Editors Note: Mat has started a video series on the switch here 

What would you say are the similarities in the role? The differences? 
Honestly not a ton of similarities apart from learning about the client – it was a bit of a weird switch.  
Creatives tend to be introverted and task driven, and now I need to be more extraverted and big-picture driven.  
Instead of completing a smaller task and the job being complete, I’m always thinking about “What is the big thing that will help the client move forward?”  

(Co-CEO) Marty refers to you as his ‘padawan’, what’s that all about?  
Well, since I’m the youngest salesman on the team Marty’s taken me under his wing and is teaching me the ropes since he has been in sales for 27 years. His open-door policy has helped me learn a lot.  
He’s also a big Star Wars guy so hence the metaphor.  

Any hidden talents? 
For a sales guy, shooting video is still a bit of a secret talent I can keep up my sleeve. 

What has been one of your favourite ad campaigns in recent years? Why?  
Yeti’s mini stories highlighting their brand ambassadors on social media. They're really cool and tell a story with more of a subtle hint at product. For a brand like Yeti it's not like look at our stuff or product, they're just funding a great story. 

Huckberry’s Dirt campaign is also another top mention for me. They are a men’s clothing company that is travelling and gather local ingredients while taking it in through the lense of the locals and each episode ends with a feast.  
Editors note: Co-sign on these campaigns:, #SharingChangesEverything 

You work out of our Winnipeg office: What’s your favourite restaurant in Winnipeg?   
Food: Oxbow Pasta and Wine (the brussel sprouts are incredible).  
Sous Soul is also a classic – great date spot for me and partner Jess. Good vibes and very unique. 
Drinks: Big fan of The Roost and Solera

You’re  also in charge of our Winnipeg office’s All In Tuesday orders – how did that happen? 
I’m a big foodie and it just sort of happened. As an aside, the content we get on these Tuesdays is great – the people at the agency get so excited and its great way to bring the team together – food is a connector and it’s the most bonding we have time we have as an agency so I’m happy to do it.  

Chester is one of the Winnipeg office’s favourite office dogs (they all are let's be honest). Who is his favourite person in the office?  
He loves Sharon and Marty – they both have treats in their office and he knows it.  
Honourable mention to Andrew Baulin (Account Manager) because he babysits Chester often and has taught him a lot of tricks (although not anything useful).  

What’s your sales style? 
I’m a laid-back guy so I bring that to my sales calls. I like a more personable approach and am interested in just learning about the client rather than selling. I want to be a sign of what our agency could be like for them: Cool, understanding and willing to come up with new ideas. 

You’re a big traveller, what's next on your list? 
Top 3 are Sri Lanka, Cape Town, Portugal – specifically Madeira. I want to show my fiancé a bit of my Portuguese roots. Island life is for this kid. I need beaches, ocean, and the heat. Give me that ocean.  
I wish I could surf.. 

What advice would you give to someone new at the agency? 
Try to get yourself into as many meetings as soon as you can so you can learn about the entire agency right off the hop. It’s easy to get stuck in a department silo – and if you know more about what the agency does as a whole, you can do your own job better.  

If you’ve made it this far and are still interested in learning more about Mat, connect with him on LinkedIn.