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Marty Talks to BDC about AI

Apr 9, 2024

Co-CEO Marty Fisher

If you’ve ever wondered how AI can help your business, this interview with Marty Fisher will get you more than started.

Recently, our co-CEO Marty Fisher was featured on BDC’s website where he shared his insights on how AI can be used as a business tool – including how tools like ChatGPT are sometimes used as a starting point for projects at Show and Tell.

Marty offers up several tips that can be easily adopted by your business, including how AI can help your team get ‘unstuck,’ how it can help increase a video’s likelihood of becoming viral, and how it can even reduce costs for clients.

"Having more time to focus on the important stuff helps us deliver better projects, which benefits our clients and business."

- Marty Fisher, Co-CEO, The Show and Tell Agency