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Introducing Show and Tell Social

Oct 13, 2023

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We’re pleased to announce the Show and Tell Social Team. Our team of strategists, digital creators, art directors and content writers specialize in the planning, production and distribution of social media content specifically for rapid deployment. It’s a dynamic approach that involves creating and adapting content based on audience relevancy. It allows brands to show up purposefully with timely, social search-optimized content while responding swiftly to social trends and interactions.

The Show and Tell Social Team exists as a mini content creation powerhouse within our agency – crafting engaging, quick turnaround, paid and organic content for clients, from strategic planning to content publication. As needed, the team taps into our wider agency talent, offering clients the best of both worlds – the devotion of a dedicated content creation team and the breadth of a full-service agency.

“We’ve known for a while that social search was becoming increasingly important, with more brand discovery and conversation taking place there each day,” says Show and Tell co-CEO Marty Fisher. “The Show and Tell Social Team is our response to that reality so we can help clients be present on the right social channels in a meaningful way.”

Show up, show off and tell your story

During strategic planning, your social team (in collaboration with our strategic services department) will examine your audiences, what channels they’re on, as well as other relevant industry specific insights and research. They’ll define the types of content best received on those channels, as well as the format and frequency that will help your brand maximize its presence. Once the foundation has been set, content mapping, capture and production will begin in concert with you and your team to ensure you’re showing up, showing off and telling your story.

The antithesis to big campaigns

“Social needs to be consistent and persistent,” Marty says. “It’s not about creating the perfect campaign; it’s about establishing a deliberate cadence and creating authentic, informative and entertaining content that’s meaningful to your customers.”

That said, he adds, like the wider campaign work our agency produces, social or agile content also needs a strategy behind it, which is why we don’t skip out on setting that important foundation.

The last point made during client onboarding process is a reminder that it's social. And therein lies the beauty of agile content – it’s quick content that needs to cut through the clutter while never coming across as super slick or commercial.

“Show and Tell Social is almost the antithesis to the big campaign,” he laughs. “It’s a part of the show and a big part of the tell.”

Our clients count on us to help them understand the opportunities that are in front of them, Marty says. With our Social Team, we become the resource that clients wish they had in-house. Instead of relying on a social media manager or your marketing team to be an expert in all areas of social and digital content creation, clients have an embedded team of seasoned Show and Tell experts for as long as needed. And if, and when, clients staff up, the team develops a playbook and trains the staff so the work can be handed over for execution.