Today more than ever, sustainability stories about climate change, carbon footprints, and renewable energy are making headlines.
The agriculture industry is at the core of plenty of these stories. But in many cases, it’s with negative connotations.
Large agriculture companies have been caught in the crosshairs as some media outlets and the public point their finger at the industry for global environmental issues. Misinformation and accusations have the potential to shape the current narrative for the agriculture industry, and some companies and agricultural groups find themselves playing defence. That, in turn, has made small and mid-sized agribusinesses reluctant to speak up for fear that their position might be twisted or incorrectly perceived by consumers.
But here’s the real story: arguably no other industry relies more on environmental sustainability than agriculture and food production. And that’s why the future of the ag industry depends on changing the narrative.
Instead of reacting to conversations where ag production is positioned as a detriment to the environment, agricultural brands should learn to lead the conversations that shape the public’s understanding of these hot-button issues.
While your company’s corporate sustainability position may not be in the spotlight right now, it could be, and sooner than you think. Taking a proactive position by clarifying, communicating, and marketing your stance will define and elevate your agriculture brand ahead of the game — and as part of the positive sustainability story.